
Happy Wine Bottle Day!

Good morning, my love! I made this little website for you n_n
I'm so excited to celebrate another wine bottle day together!


Let's consult the mystical crystal ball of love...

Love Oracle

Ask the crystal ball a question about our future together...
(or click for pre-made questions 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜)

Fortunes revealed: 0 of 5

My Love Letter to You

Hello my love! ⁠♡

Happy Anniversary! Can you believe it's been another year?

I absolutely love this little life we've built together, thank you for moving across the country with me and being so supportive as I get my degree! I am so so soooo happy to have you by my side n_n I love our cozy home, little family, and all the memories we have made together and that we continue to make n_n

These past years together have been the best, thank you for being you, I can't wait to see what the future holds! I'm so excited to plan some fun trips this year (we still need to buy Vegas flights) and spend all the time I possibly can with you ♡

I love the way you have thrown yourself into your fitness journey, and how you are always down to have a random adventure with me ⁠♡ Your passion for your hobbies and dedication to your goals inspires me all the time, I am excited to see where they take you!

Thank you for being my partner in crime, my best friend, and the greatest boyfriend I could ever ask for ⁠♡

Here's to many more years of us together, and all the adventures to come!

I love love love you soooooo much!
Sage ⁠♡